My opinion about type 1 Diabetics

It is a combination of several methods that has worked and still works. It regularly happens that I read the testimony of a person and say, bravo, it's great what you're doing, but just missing it
My opinion about type 1 Diabetics

I am regularly asked if my book is also for type 1 diabetics. There is growing awareness that type 2 diabetes can be prevented and controlled by adopting a healthy lifestyle, but almost nothing is published. the possibilities (other than insulin) available to people with insulin-dependent diabetes.

So here is my answer. Diabetes Choosing Life is for all types of diabetics and pre-diabetics. It has been designed to be useful to anyone reading, including even non-diabetics. Indeed, the type of diet and lifestyle I describe there seems appropriate and beneficial for the majority of people in the majority of situations. And the life of type 1 diabetics could be facilitated by my approach. But the question that kills, the question on the lips of my interlocutors, is not really to know if taking care of oneself is good for health. That, everyone knows it. The question that girls really ask is: "Is that the type 1 diabetes insulin can happen?"

In theory, no, they can not. Type 1 diabetics are insulin-dependent. They can not live without insulin injections. My answer is more complex: between the bad diagnoses, the few testimonies read here and there, the various alternative methods accumulated and the serious lack of scientific studies and experiments on the subject, it seems dangerous to me to affirm anything. is. Dangerous to say yes (and to risk influencing irresponsible and damaging attitudes, or to give false hope), dangerous to say no (and demotivate in advance those who could have found solutions). Here is the state of my knowledge on the subject.

My experience
I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in December 2000. I was not surprised to learn in 2008 that I could do without insulin and have blood glucose levels that were mostly normal by changing my diet and taking medicinal plants. My surprise and, to a certain extent, my anger: so I had been lying all this time? Type 1 diabetes is not really insulin-dependent? This reaction lasted until June 2013, when we did genetic tests: I am not diabetic type 1, I am MODY 3. Oops! What I thought I knew about type 1 therefore applies to type MODY 3.

In any case, I was misdiagnosed, I can not be the only one who has happened (read below). It may be relevant to check with our doctors our real case of diabetes, and react accordingly. If our pancreas still produces insulin, even if it's very little, who knows if a drastic change in lifestyle could not help us get rid of bites?

Bad diagnosis
While going through the scientific studies necessary for the documentation of my book, I learned that it is relatively common to be mistaken in the diagnosis of the different types of diabetes , especially the MODY. In fact, unlike the majority of non-specialists, including physicians, there are many more than two types of diabetes, and their characteristics can be intertwined. For example, it is common for type 1 diabetics to also suffer from insulin resistance that causes type 2 diabetes.

Here is another probable example of a diagnostic error: that of my older sister Ariane who was recently diagnosed with diabetes. As she was discovered when she was 34 years old, and by simple routine examination, she was told she was type 2 diabetic.

She is thin, has very good habits of life, and is unlikely to suffer from insulin resistance: she has been vegetarian (with more or less monthly discrepancies by "social convention") for about 20 years. All indications are that she is as diabetic as MODY 3, as would her mother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, and little sister (myself). Our diabetes behaves relatively the same way, and it is genetically established that 50% of the children of MODY 3 diabetics develop it: it is an autosomal dominant disease of transmission. This fits in with our family environment.

But his doctor did not know it (there seems to be little communication between the researchers and the field practitioners), is probably overwhelmed, and genetic tests are expensive... In short; you will be happy to know that although she is at the beginning of her disease management process, having a vegetarian and unprocessed diet, with no concentrated sugars, being active and taking some medicinal herbs, she seems manage your diabetes well without drugs.

Some testimonials
During my readings, I read and saw the testimony (not scientific, but to consider nevertheless) of some people diagnosed type 1 and living without insulin several years later.

The first case is that of Sergei Boutenko, who became a vegan and raw food soon after being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, whose blood glucose levels have stabilized thanks to food and who still lives without insulin (and without symptoms) some 15 years later. I recommend reading an article that explains his journey, and the FAQ Diabetes page of his website.

The second case I've heard about is that of Kirt Tyson, an athlete who participated in a program whose promotion " Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days " is promoting. As an adult, he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when his blood glucose levels were so high and then called back after blood tests to tell him he had the antibodies: he was therefore diabetic. 1. In all cases, he managed to do without insulin by eating raw and vegetable for 30 days, then he continued the vegetable diet mainly raw and became a naturopathic doctor.

I met (in person, thanks to social networks) a "true" type 1 diabetic, Julie, under insulin therapy for a few decades, with glycated hemoglobin around 6%, which decreased her insulin doses by more than 90% by becoming vegan and mainly raw. She started by cutting gluten and dairy products, then looked further. She does not take herbs, but is currently testing with enzyme supplements to promote pancreatic β cells. She just told me that according to her latest blood results, she produces a little insulin, more than before. To be continued!

I am also part of a group of people seeking a cure for type 1 diabetes. It is made up of several specialists and parents of diabetic children, more focused on medical research than on diet. I regularly read evidence of reduced insulin requirements with medicinal plants or mineral supplements such as chromium, zinc and some others. Nothing yet miraculous, but a lot of promising information.

In the spring of 2013, I prepared food for a type 1 diabetic adolescent camp for a whole weekend. Despite my warning to reduce the doses of medication, one afternoon, many young people had hypoglycaemia: they did not expect my meal to require as little insulin. It's a meal, once, on less than ten children, but it really made me want to test it more extensively on more people... and see how far we can reduce the doses simply by modifying the power supply.

I have read here and there some other testimonials of type 1 diabetics proclaiming themselves insulin-independent, but nothing as durable in time as the examples of Sergei Boutenko or Kirt Tyson, who still talk about it several years later. which are relatively easy to contact.

Cumulative alternative methods
I also read testimonials from people who drastically decreased their insulin doses by adopting a non-processed vegetable diet, or by adopting one or another of alternative methods: mineral supplements, vitamins, medicinal plants, sports, yoga, medication, fasting, etc.

In my case, no method allowed me, in itself, to have normal blood glucose. It is a combination of several methods that has worked and still works. It regularly happens that I read the testimony of a person and say, bravo, it's great what you're doing, but just missing it! It would just add a small element, and the chances of success would increase!

On the contrary, I sometimes read that certain medicinal plants or methods do not work. (I even said it a long time ago, after drinking once a tea of ​​raspberry leaves that are known to reduce menstrual cramps, mine had not disappeared! It is by increasing the amount of Herbal tea that I could see a difference, and changing my diet.) In themselves, I'm afraid it's often the case. Each medicinal plant and each step has its mode of action and its own sphere of influence. A tablespoon of ground flaxseed per day is not enough to regulate blood sugar, especially if you drink 10 soft drinks next door. But it has an effect nevertheless. It is the sum of all our habits that is decisive.

Serious lack of scientific studies and experiments
As we "know" that it is impossible for a type 1 diabetic to do without insulin, many do not even try to look any further. When one is told and repeated, from many serious and sincere sources, that something is impossible, it is rare that one feels the energy to go and check. What's the point? Yet it is by seeking where we did not seek before we made discoveries. If I had listened to my doctors, I would still take insulin 4 times a day, and yet it is almost 6 years that I live without any medication. It is clear that much remains to be studied on this issue.

There is plenty of pointed research but little comprehensive research. I would like to be able to influence scientists and type 1 diabetics to do research over several years including the various factors that I perceive influential. Cumulated in one and the same study. Until that has been done, we can only continue to say that it was not done.

Current scientific studies
First and foremost, I must emphasize that vegetable and whole diets are very, very scientifically documented, and accepted as probably the most healthy and nutritious, as long as they are supplemented with vitamin B12 and vitamin D in winter.

To this end, I quote a study dating back to 2013, which invites doctors to recommend such a diet ... ideally to all their Read it, it is very accessible!

>> Nutritional Update for Physicians: Plant-Based Diets

If you are not convinced by the urgent need to change your diet to include whole plants and exclude the rest, I urge you to check out the most popular clinical nutrition extension website. referenced in this regard: Each food-plant claim is supported by several scientific studies. Hours of pleasure guaranteed!

Inspired by different herbalists' traditions, some scientists have studied the effect of medicinal plants on the glucose level of type 1 diabetics. I note some of them here below. Feel free to send me when you find! You can also consult my page Some plants to know which includes information of herbalist, personal experience as scientific research.

>> Dietary supplement containing blueberry and sea buckthorn concentrate on antioxidant capacity in type 1 diabetic children

>> Effect of fenugreek seeds on blood glucose and serum lipids in type I diabetes

>> Hypoglycemic action of an oral fig-leaf decoction in type 1 diabetic patients

If I was type 1 diabetic
In all cases, and regardless of our treatment, it is more difficult to control your blood glucose for a person with type 1 diabetes than for all other types of diabetes. There is no way out. Type 1 diabetics, like most MODYs, in addition to diet and a healthy lifestyle, would also benefit from reducing some of the carbohydrate sources.

Do not get me wrong, we are human. Carbohydrates are our number one source of energy for everyone. I do not encourage low carb diets that continue to wreak havoc for decades after being reported by scientists. (1160 peer-reviewed scientific references to denounce high-fat and low-carbohydrate diets) You really need carbs! And their best source comes from whole plants that are neither processed nor refined.

In bulk, here are some tips that I would adopt if I were type 1 diabetic:

  1. Vegetable, organic, whole and unrefined eating
  2. Eat a large portion of raw foods, especially vegetables, greens, sprouts and fruits
  3. Focus on berries and acidic fruits over sweet fruits such as bananas and dates
  4. Use dehydrated fruits to sweeten the rare desserts or to enhance the breakfast cereals.
  5. Cook mainly non-carbohydrate vegetables such as broccoli, mushrooms and asparagus rather than carrots, onions and sweet potatoes
  6. Focus on steaming, ideally leaving crunchy vegetables
  7. Eat legumes and whole grains, in smaller quantities, to accompany salads
  8. Eat nuts, seeds, ideally soaked or dry-cooked, slowly, in moderate amounts
  9. Drink hypoglycemic herbal teas and incorporate powders of medicinal plants with meals
  10. Do daily physical exercise. Adopt the bike as the main means of transportation. Practice the sports that suit us.
  11. Avoid eating more than your hunger. Leave the table with the appetite filled, not a heavy belly
  12. Slow down, take the time to sleep well, do what we love

Basically, I'm already applying all these recommendations. They bring me more benefits than normal blood glucose. Of course, if I was type 1 diabetic, I would have to be even more considerate of raw / cooked proportions and doses of fruits and medicinal plants.

To conclude, I repeat: one does not discover something until one has discovered it. In any case, there is no point in panicking or throwing everything out the window. It is better to proceed slowly and measure our blood sugar levels very regularly when making changes that can affect blood glucose levels. And gradually adapt our doses of drugs, while maintaining our medical follow-up.

And what are your experiences and knowledge related to the autonomous treatment of type 1 diabetes?
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